2004 – ‘The Tangled Snarl’ – Mary Beth Evans


‘The Tangled Snarl’ 



James Reynolds originally directed “The Tangled Snarl” approximately 20 years ago; he and his wife Lissa Layng are the artistic directors of the theater. They basically run the place 🙂 The writers, John Rustan and Phil Semerano liked the way James directed the play back then, and when they wrote a new play with the same main detective/character–Spuds Idaho-they asked James to direct it. Dan Payne appeared as “the hit man” in the earlier production (20 years ago) that James directed and reprises his role for this run of this production.

Liz’s Review:

The play is a spoof on the old 40’s film noir detective capers… and it is pure comedy/entertainment. Spuds Idaho  is the main character, with a lot of really funny lines left and right, one right after the other. The actor (Todd Babcock) did a really good job in the role, I thought.

Mary Beth was in the first half, as Leslie Detweiler, mob moll/wife of a murdered Mafioso. Leslie is after a mysterious package left behind by her murdered husband….and thinks Spuds has it. She wants the package badly, and tries to bribe and seduce Spuds Idaho (and he gives in to some kisses). Eventually, Spuds uncovers the truth, and it is revealed that Leslie had her husband killed in order to inherit some money he was going to come into, thanks to an invention. Mary Beth looked beautiful in a dark purple…almost black off the shoulder velvet gown, and long blonde wig. She did a GREAT job, playing up the spoof, seduction and tongue in cheek humor throughout. My one complaint is that, since she was only in the first half, it was way too short.

Opening Night/After the Play:

The beautiful flower arrangement sent by The Crystal Tree was sitting prominently featured in the lobby, where snacks and champagne were served to guests.

Mary Beth was wearing a really cute outfit. As I remember it, it was a cream/greenish skirt that hit below the knees (A-lined I would say) and brown knee length boots, with a colorful shirt. She had several bouquets of flowers in her hands.

Mary Beth’s three kids and husband were all there. It was wonderful to see how affectionate/close her family is, and it was amazing to see how much her kids have all grown up! The room/theatre is small, so it was pretty packed and Mary Beth greeted everyone warmly. She smiled wide when she saw fans there and happily posed for pictures with us.

It was a really fun night–highly recommend it! There is nothing like seeing your favorite actors onstage where they really get a chance to shine 🙂


Other actors in the audience on opening night included Kyle Lowder (Brady, Days), Renee Jones (Lexie, Days), James Reynolds (Abe), and Peter Reckell (Bo).

Photos by Liz K and NikkiDLux

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