Transcript: Kayla Comes Home–Steve arranges a surprise for her

Aired January 25, 1990

Steve and Kayla are back home, upstairs in a hallway by the window.  She has just arrived after being kidnapped by Victor (who wanted Loretta’s diary and thought Steve had the key to open it).

Steve and Kayla had also been estranged due to Marina; but they were now working things out. Steve has had a surprise planned all day for Kayla, and had to stall her from coming home (to do so, he arranged a check-up with Neil Curtis, and an extended dinner at Wing’s).

K: Finally…You don’t know how happy I am to be here…

(Jo comes out of one of the rooms, shocked to see Kayla and Steve are home)

Kayla wonders why Jo is there; Jo makes up an excuse saying she was cleaning up the place, knowing Steve must have left it a mess, and Kayla was coming home. She hugs Kayla, and leaves. Before leaving she says to Steve, “It’s all ready”

K: Wait wait wait a second, What was that?

S: What?

K: What did Jo just say?

S: You didn’t hear?

K: No

S: Good…

K: Steve

S: What?

K: You’re doing it again

S: It?

K: Ya, you’re making that face

S: Oh, you mean that innocent face? (puts on the innocent face)

K: Ya, only you’re looking guiltier by the second

S: Maybe that’s because I am…

K: O,k enough of this, what’s going on?

S: Oh now baby, I can’t tell you. You’ve got to do a little detective work if you want to close this case.

K: Alright lets start with Jo, what was she doing here?

S: You heard her, she said she was here to clean up after me. You know what its like when a man gets alone, by himself, in a place like this, this is a big place…he starts wearing the same clothes every day…eating beans out of a can…all kinds of stuff

K: In a bedroom?

S: Why else would she be in there?

K: I don’t know, I’m going to find out

S: Well, ok…

Kayla opens the door of the bedroom, to find it has been turned into a nursery for the baby

K: You did all this for me?

S: For us. For you. And me, and our baby.

K: Look at all this

S: You know those happy times you were talking about? We’re going to have a lot of those. We’re going to fill this big place up with kids, and noise and love…There will be a lot of love here. And when the kids grow up and they’re off on their own, it will just be you and me again here. And I will love you even more, if that’s possible, because I love you so much.

(Steve is teary eyed).

They hug

S: Welcome home, Sweetness

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