Transcript: Katherine wakes up and recalls what happened; Stefan enters her room

Stefan confides in Alexis that he shot Katherine.

Meanwhile Mac asks Katherine who is still in ICU if she remembers who shot her. She replies. “..A man. He’s looking at me.”

M: “Someone you know?”

K: “I’m not sure.”

M: “Can you see him? Try, what did he look like?”

Katherine can only remember that split second when she saw his eyes.

K: “He had the most incredible eyes. Wild, kind of like a cat or panther or something. I was mesmerized, I can’t move.”

Mac continues to interrogate Katherine about the mans eyes. All she can add was “They were kind.” Edward Q. finally kicks Mac out.

On New Years Eve:

Kat now in a new room gets a visit from Lucy Coe while she’s visiting with Mac. “Mac. Kathy, I was wondering if you were up…for a little mini-visit?” Mac gives Katherine an understanding look as he says ” I’ll be outside.” Katherine looks at Mac as if to say ‘please don’t go’. Mac tells Lucy “Don’t stay long.”

L: “Oh no, I wouldn’t want.. I won’t. I..I” nervous laugh as Mac leaves.

L: “Kathy, I just wanted to stop by and offer my deepest sympathy.”

K: “Thank you. But I’m not dead yet.”

L: “No. No of course your not Kathy. You’re not going to let something like this get you down..What I mean is I know you’ll just bounce out of that bed and land on both feet.” Kat gives her an extremely annoyed look. ”

L: “I brought you this.” Hurriedly handing Kat a bookbag.

K: “What is it?” In an unimpressed tone.

L: “Uh. It’s a book. It’s Stand and Be Counted by this wonderful woman author who..a lot of self esteem. I just keep standing here and putting my foot in it don’t I?” Katherine’s eyes say yes.

L: “This isn’t going really very well is it? Uh..Mac, did you see how Mac is completely devoted to you. So no matter what happens he is going to be there right beside you. You do believe that don’t you?”

Kat just glares. Miranda rescues the moment by entering. “Hi. Oh, if three’s a crowd.”

K: “No. No, Lucy can’t stay.”

L: “No. I’ve really got to run..leave. Now.” Lucy makes a hasty exit.

Meanwhile near the Nurses station Bobbie informs Stefan that she is attending a party at the Brownstone. Stefan feels he wouldn’t be welcome and decides to remain at the hospital until she returns.

Katherine turns on the TV news and falls into a short sleep. She sees herself enter the room in a beautiful violet gown. She hears a voice “Katherine” (It’s Stefan’s voice) Kat’s dream alter-ego:” I knew you’d come for me someday.” Stefan enters and turns off the TV set. Kat awakens to see him standing next to her bedside. All dressed in black. He looks half like a priest and half like the grim reaper.


Katherine stares at Stefan awhile.

K: “I know you. You work here.

S: “Yes, I do.”

K: “And you’ve been here before, in my room.”

S: “Yes.” He pauses. “And I should introduce myself.”

K: “There’s no need. I know you’re the reason I’m here.”

Stefan looks nervous (well as nervous as Stefan can look)

S: “I didn’t know you knew.”

K: “I don’t know your name. But I know if you didn’t help me that night, I would have died. And thank you doesn’t seem to quite cover that.”

Stefan sincerely states: “Oh, I don’t deserve your thanks. I’m only sorry for..”

Katherine interrupts. “No. Could you not be sorry. Could you just be matter of fact. I like that more lately. I don’t know why.”

S: “Well, I’m told I’m good at it. What do you remember about that night?”

K: “Right before and after the shooting is really pretty fuzzy. The doctors say that’s normal. I guess it’s good you know. Amnesia as a protective device. Mac, my friend want’s to know everything that happened. I don’t.”

S: “Well that uh, never would have occurred to me.”

K: “I guess you think I’m crazy”

S: “No. I think you’re brave.”

K: “It’s an act.”

S: “Well it’s a good one and I’ve seen a lot. I really should introduce myself.”

K: “Please don’t. I don’t want to know who you are. But I’d like you to stay.”

S: “Why?”

K: “Because you didn’t know me before. You can’t expect anything from me. And when I look in your eyes, I don’t see how you’d like me to be.”

S: “Why be anything but what you are?”

K: “Habit I guess. Fear. But I feel I don’t need to pretend with you.”

S: “No. you don’t.”

K: “Then will you stay?”

S: “Yes.”  Katherine closes her eyes and Stefan takes a seat at her bedside.
Song plays: ‘ You’re so lovely. Never, ever change. Keep that breathless charm. Won’t you please arrange it. ‘Cause I love you, just the way you look tonight.’

Stefan looks at his watch as Katherine sleeps. He gets up to leave to meet Barbara. He pauses and looks at the sleeping beauty before he goes.

Later Katherine daydreams about Stefan’s smiling face. She gets a visit from Miranda. Alexis warns Stefan he should keep his distance from Katherine.

Miranda holding the book Lucy gave to Katherine says “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you throw it? C’mon give it a really good fling. I know you want to. It’ll make you feel better, so much better.”

Kat thinks about it for only a moment, then takes the book and tosses it across the room almost hitting an entering nurse. The nurse doesn’t look to happy about it, but the two friends do a bad job of hiding their laughter. Later Stefan looks through the hospital room window, as Katherine opens her eyes and sees him. She gives him a smile which he returns. Some major flirting going on:)


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