Transcript: Stefan says “goodbye” to Laura, Katherine dreams of Stefan, Stefan visits

Stefan goes to Laura’s “grave” to say goodbye.

“Have you been waiting for me Lasha?”

Stefan handles his rosary beads.

“I miss you. I have for years. Well this is different, there’s no dream now. No point to all the plans I made. No magic day when I give you back your son and the three of us live happily ever after. (he sighs.) For all my brilliant machinations my ultimate goal was a fairy tale. You and I, Nikolas happy together.” Stefan kneels in the snow. I’m sorry Lasha. For the pain I caused you. Thank you. For Nikolas, the joy of my life. And for your sake I’ve let your husband live. I’ve always despised him but I’ll let him live. Unless he provokes me. I doubt he will.” Stefan touches the flowers on the grave. “It’s over. Finally. It didn’t end the way I wanted but it’s finished. I’m still here. Does that mean I won?” Stefan is saddened.

Stefan returns to Wyndemere to see Katherine sitting on the couch. She rises and asks “Would you like to join me for a drink?” Stefan looks dazed. It’s Bobbie of course.

B: “You were expecting maybe Michelle Pfeiffer?”

After admiring her crystal tree, Katherine falls into a deep sleep and has a dream. Stefan is standing in her room.

S: “Katherine. Come see our tree, Come on.”

Stefan walks to the window. Katherine smiling starts to get out of bed and suddenly falls down. Katherine looks for Stefan but he’s gone. “Where are you?” She looks at the crystal tree and repeats “Where are you?”

Audrey and an orderly come to her rescue.

Later Stefan shows up at her room.

K: “I knew you’d come. I dreamt it.”

S: “You had a dream about me?”

K: “Why does that surprise you? You were standing by the window urging me to get out of bed and walk over and look at the tree. For a moment I really thought I could.”

S: “I believe in the power of dreams. I think they can tell us about our deepest wishes and fears before we’re conscious of them.”

K: “Do you think this one was telling me I’m really afraid of you?”

S: “I hope not. I hope it was telling you that you’re getting ready to walk again.”

K: “Mind over matter. My Mama said if you don’t mind it don’t matter.”

Stefan smiles (a rarity)

S: “You look lovely. How are you feeling?”

K: “Excited, optimistic even happy. Thanks to you. It must be wonderful to have such an effect on people.”

Stefan flashes back to the explosion where Laura “died.”

S: “I usually have the opposite effect. In fact I’m not at all who you think I am.”

Katherine looks at him confused.


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