Addicted to Love

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-By Guest Blogger miahappy

Hello, my name is Mia and I am a Steve and Kayla addict.

There, I said it. The first step in conquering any addiction is admitting you have a problem. The thing is, in this case, I am not sure my addiction is a problem.

When I was 13 I began watching Days of Our Lives (initially just to annoy my sister who watched daily despite being a Luke and Laura fan at heart). I’ll never forget the first episode I ever saw. There was a big party and Renee was killed…classic whodunit mystery involving just about every character on the show.

A week later, I quietly admitted to myself I was hooked.

I was initially convinced there would never be another couple greater than Bo and Hope. Well, in the matter of a few months, with the talent and chemistry of two spectacular actors… namely Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans, I knew in my heart it did not get better than their Steve and Kayla.

I remember sitting in front of the television every afternoon after I got home from school to watch the recorded episode. Some of those old tapes (even some on Beta – yes, my dad was one of the 15 people back then to insist that Beta was the way to go – lay off!) were worn out because I would rewind and play them over and over and over. There were scenes that stood out in my memory, even years later; the patch removal, the first kiss, their first time on the roof, the first time after Kayla was raped (my personal favorite), and no doubt, their yacht wedding. I knew back then my interest teetered on obsession, but who cares. I had my daily fix and I was happy.

I stopped watching Days after Steve ‘died’ in 1990. Most of the reason was because I had just begun college and was in a real transition in my life, but another reason was because I already knew at a very young age that it just doesn’t get any better than that. How do you follow up such a great love story? The old videotapes unfortunately didn’t make the move with me and I have no idea what ultimately happened to them, but with Steve ‘gone’ it was better in my mind to let them go. I never bothered with any other soap…I knew there was no point. So for the time being, I hopped on the wagon and moved on with life.

Almost 20 years later, due to restricted activity from a pregnancy and WAY too much free time, I found myself surfing through YouTube early one Saturday morning. I was positively giddy to find a plethora of Steve and Kayla clips at my fingertips for my endless viewing pleasure. I laughed, cried and reminisced back to my teen years as I watched scenes I remembered so very fondly and could practically still recite despite having not seen them for many, many years.

It was then that I officially fell off the wagon.

Long story short, in order to feed my growing addiction I found myself engulfed in the multitude of fan fiction stories posted on the forums. I’ll tell you, I knew after reading that first story that things would never be the same. Finally, there was something to fill that void that could not be taken away by some idiot running a multi-million dollar organization…some moron who couldn’t care less about what his fans are begging for nor the product he puts out. I wouldn’t have to suffer through watching some dim-witted executive attempting to destroy something that, although fictional, held a dear place in my heart and always would.

But…I digress…

The day I read the last new fan fiction was a sad one for me. I thought to myself, ‘what now?’ It took a great deal of self-convincing and a number of attempts before I finally decided to give it a shot and write a story of my own. If there was nothing to read…I’d write. I’ll tell you honestly, it was the best decision I have made in a long time. Now there is hardly a day that goes by without some time spent writing, or reading, but mostly both. It is a wonderful escape to difficult times and the struggles we all have to deal with in life. Without this outlet, I’m sure they would have taken me away in a straight jacket months ago (but there is no guarantee my husband doesn’t have them on stand-by at this moment – in fact, he won’t tell me what the unmarked speed dial number is on the phone…I’ll have to ask him about that).

When I was asked to write this blog, my mind began to wander back to the beginning. What started this time-filler, which turned into a hobby, which quickly became an addiction for me? Well, the answer to that was the magic of Steve and Kayla.

What is it about this fictional couple that has spawned multiple websites, luncheons (*expletive* you Corday), campaigns and tons of intriguing fan fictions? What is it that kept them alive in our hearts for the past 20 years and will keep them with us forever, despite the attempts at destruction through the current production team in charge?

Here’s my take…

We start with a very flawed character, Steve “Patch” Johnson. The eye patch definitely gives him an air of intrigue and the pretense of danger. The smarmy attitude and obvious vendetta against Bo Brady peaked our interest as we began to wonder about this new nemesis introduced to the scene.

He was a mercenary. An orphan who never had anyone honestly love him, he did what it took to survive, but even early on we could see there was more to this man than met the eye (no pun intended). His time with Hope showed us glimpses into his heart; a heart he tried desperately to hide from the outside world. For him life was hard and he had been repeatedly hurt and rejected (even by his own mother). He wasn’t going to let anyone get inside his heart – that was carefully locked away, never to be opened again.

Then there was Kayla. She was beautiful, intelligent, sweet, and very caring. Raised in the textbook happy home, she lived her life caring for those less fortunate, always on the side of the underdog. Despite numerous warnings from many people who cared for her, she insisted on seeing the good in everyone, regardless of common stereotypes.

Their relationship started in the worst possible way. He stalked and terrorized her. But, fans of the couple will never forget the look on ‘Patch’s’ face the first time he saw Kayla from her closet in Cleveland. Everyone could see it was the beginning of something magical.

It was a classic love story. There was a bad boy with the heart of gold. The good girl who refused to be deterred from going after the man she wanted. She showed him what love was and helped him break down the heavy walls he had built around himself. He intrigued her, and showed her passion and excitement, making her the woman she always wanted to be despite being treated as a child by most of her family. They were a perfect fit. Brutally honest and accepting of each other regardless of what they found. They had a love like no other.

She supported him through the turmoil of his family returning to his life and the fallout of an abusive father. He supported her through a horrific rape and the devastation of deafness. Together they experienced highs and lows, good times and bad, and although many were against their relationship at the start, they won everyone over with their devotion and commitment to each other. Their love for each other could not be measured and will never be questioned.

If there were a dictionary definition of love story, I would think we would find the story of Steve and Kayla; two strong, independent people drawn together through an unbreakable connection. With them, we definitely see the sum is greater than the parts.

They can take away the actors. They can write off the characters, but thank God they can’t take away my love for them. They will live in my heart and for as long as I enjoy it, on my computer screen.

In a world that tends to be very cynical and cold, I will always have a refuge. When things just get too tough and I don’t want to face reality, I can lock myself away and escape with my ever-loving couple, whether they are riding into the sunset in the wild west, living happily ever-after in medieval times, or fighting drug lords in the jungles of Columbia…

You know what? I don’t think my addiction is a problem. In fact, for as long as it gives me the peace I seek, this addiction is going to be fed.

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wawame - April 28, 2010 - 7:37 am

I, too, am an addict. Like you, I don’t consider it a problem, but I do consider enjoying the S&K love story a nice break from everyday life that sometimes seems to overwhelm. There’s nothing like the saga of a tried and true romance to chase away the blues, all while making those who view or read it feel optimistic and encouraged. You are not alone. If a support group is needed, we can meet at my house. Rest assured I serve up an ample supply of S&K clips! Great blog, Mia! You speak for many! 😉

Christine - April 28, 2010 - 7:42 am

Wonderful blog Mia. Your story is so similar to mine. We even had a Beta machine. Like you I started out watching Bo and Hope. I had their first time at Oak Alley and their wedding on tape. I don’t know what is was about Steve and Kayla but when they started to put them together I was totally hooked. I also stopped watching after Steve died. My life was busier and in a way it was a relief not to be so tied to a show.

In the mid 90’s I started watching Guiding Light. It was on just as I was getting home and making dinner before kids came home from school and hubby from work. I did that for a few years then stopped watching it as well. Then about 3 years ago I was sitting at my computer watching some youtube link a friend had sent me and I decided to search on Josh and Reva just to see what was going on. I was so surprised by all the clips some dating way back to the 80’s and that’s when it hit me. If there was all this stuff about Josh and Reva what about my all time favorite’s Steve and Kayla. I was stunned at all the clips, then I found all the websites, then Stephen and Mary Beth’s websites. My pulse was racing. I had this feeling of euphoria. I think I now know how a junkie feels after a hit. Hours went by as I relived old memories. My husband finally came to ask me if I ever planned on making dinner that night. It was almost 7 o’clock and I had been sitting at the computer since about 3:30. I was surprised to find out that Stephen and Mary Beth were back on Days and of course I started watching again. Until that is they were written off.

So you are not alone Mia.


Giddy - April 28, 2010 - 9:35 am

Mia~What a wonderful blog! Personally, I was an AMC addict until my senior year in high school (1986) when my best friend and I would go to her house for lunch. She was a Days fan and kept talking about this hot guy with a patch. Um, okay. I guy with a patch? Really? But since it was her house and her TV, we watched what she wanted. I must say, I’m glad we did! I was hooked from that first day. I remember the scenes between Bo, Hope and Kayla as Steve stood in the background watching. Kayla told Bo he was Victor’s “little boy” and Steve’s expression was one of “Holy S#@t!” LOLOL Loved that scene!! I knew immediately that S&K were a supercouple in the making as I think so did many others.

As for fan fiction, I am like you in that I was initially terrified to attempt it. But in my mind, it was a way to keep alive my adoration for the characters of Steve & Kayla and Stefan & Katherine, as well as Stephen and Mary Beth. With alot of encouragement from Carol I jumped in head first and I’m really glad I did. The love stories of those characters live on through the fans, and I think that is a great honor for the actors who portrayed them.

Sherry S. - April 28, 2010 - 11:56 am

Not unlike several of you, I too was a Bo and Hope fan. But my early times at Days was with the original Roman (Wayne Northrop) and Marlena. Please don’t shoot me…their strawberry and creme episode is a classic. But back to Steve and Kayla. I knew the very first time Patch came in contact with Kayla, it was all over…for me and for the characters. Even then, without internet access, I knew that these two actors were destined to be together as a couple. I would rush home daily for my addiction! Back then, a fan could pretty much predict when they’re favorites were going to make an appearance. Luckily for all of us, Steve and Kayla probably were on 4 out of 5 days a week. Oh, how the times have changed! There doesn’t seem to be time enough to set up a love story…a couple will date, have sex (yes sex, not make love) and be married in a matter of several weeks. I do wish producers of soaps could see what they had in past soap operas. Not only the buildup for the couple, the buildup for the fans, and lastly, payoff. Steve and Kayla certainly gave all fans their money’s worth…I miss them terribly.

Dawn - April 28, 2010 - 1:46 pm

Outstanding blog Mia! I am also a Steve and Kayla addict and proud of it. Like you I watched them for years seeing their love endure all kinds of hardships and tests. I think it’s what really showed me that true love like that can exist in real life. I was saddened to see them leave Days both times but I can also lock myself away and relive the magic of their love story through my computer screen. Their love is still strong after all these years and their love story is still in my opinion the best on daytime television.

Liz K - April 29, 2010 - 12:24 am

WOW, such an awesome blog Mia! Like you, I started as a Bo and Hope fan (actually though, that’s when I started watching thanks to babysitters), and I was sure that when they left I would quit watching the show (I liked all the cast but no one as much as I liked them). Then I saw Steve and Kayla, and was *hooked* line and sinker. I loved watching the underdog triumph over adversity; adored seeing love conquer all. There were times when my little addiction was a needed refuge in life, and I met so many great people through that little addiction. I truly feel lucky that I was able too see that story unfold and share the excitement of it all with other fans/friends.

Side note: Can you imagine what it would have been like in the 80s if we’d had the technology to share clips, discuss the show in chatrooms/message boards/email? I think I never would have left the house, lol. I mean, even just ‘reminiscing’ gets me occupied for hours at a time some days, lol!

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