Confessions of a FanFic Writer

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~By wawame

He was the epitome of masculinity, a foreboding figure that could make a woman swoon with a simple wink of his eye. His hat was dipped low and his duster barely hid his snug fitting jeans. Even with the moonlight as his backdrop, the light from the oil lamps highlighted his handsome face, drawing attention to his patch. So sensual was the patch, it made him seem so forbidden, so mysterious, so secretive. He was a man that demanded attention, one who demanded respect… whether he meant to or not. It was the mere sight of him that took her breath away.

Now that I have your attention, let’s chat. 

Do you sometimes wonder if today’s soap writers have ever written fan fiction?  Do you wonder if they have ever dabbled in writing a story or two about their preferred set of characters and, if given free reign, how they would like to see that story play out on screen?  Scary thought, I must admit, but I’d read it.  I’d read it in a heartbeat.

It would be interesting to see what Maria Arena Bell, Dena Higley… Hogan Sheffer, Tom Casiello, or Gary Tomlin for that matter… would write.  Which characters would they choose to focus on?  Just how deep would they divulge into the psyche of those characters, and how far would they take those characters in the acts and expressions of their love?  Would they write those characters as proverbial soul mates, always finding their way back into the arms of the only one who truly loves them and accepts them for who they are?  Or would their’s be a merry-go-round… an endless array of attempted and failed relationships that begin with profound professions of love, only to end with broken hearts that hinted of hatred, or worse yet, indifference?  Would they redefine them… dare to tear apart what endeared them to so many?  No doubt, their’s would be an interesting read.  It would be very telling to read their interpretations of our favorite characters, especially if those interpretations weren’t tainted by the ever present issue of ratings, ad revenues, desired demographics, contract negotiations, and tight budgets.  Such stories would answer many a question, especially since every fan of a particular character or couple would stand to either have their hopes dashed, or their dreams come true.

Fan fiction writers are a rare breed, especially those who write stories of romance.  Character stories that center on drama or action and adventure are a challenge in themselves, but the ones that center on true and romantic love are nothing short of daunting.  All rely heavily on imagination, but those that include romance and intimacy expose so much more of the writer.  It takes a lot of courage to write such a fanfic, and it takes even more to share it.  Thank goodness there are those who do.

I can only imagine how difficult it would be for a soap opera writer to pen a romance for the viewing audience, but I know for a fact how terrifying it is for a fanfic writer to post that first chapter, much less post their first attempt at a love scene, be it chaste or erotic… if they so opt to include one.  Someone once said that writing a romantic fanfic and posting it for all the world to see was synonymous with getting a bikini wax done on the front steps of the county courthouse.  Their synopsis is correct.  At least, that’s how it feels to the one who wrote it.  You post your hard work and then sit back and hope and pray with all your might that it will be well received, all while crossing your fingers that you succeeded in capturing the essence of the characters you penned.  Rarely does anyone fail.  But, when you have such characters as ’Steve & Kayla’, ’Stefan & Katherine’, and the mysterious ’Tucker McCall’ (all given to us by Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans) to work with, it’s nearly impossible to fail.  I give credit to the actors for that.  What a testament it is when the characters they have portrayed make such an enduring impression that, even though those characters are no longer on our screens, we still want more.  We want more, so we write more.  We write stories that continue or redefine what we saw on our screens.  We write stories that take the characters a step beyond what we saw because what we saw wasn‘t nearly enough.  We write stories so that we never have to accept the end of what the actors were once able to give us, and what we want them to share with us again.  That’s some powerful chemistry… stuff legends are made of.  Or, so we fanfic writers think.  I have a feeling our readers do, too.

As for the readers, never once think that a fanfic writer doesn’t realize that if not for them, there would be little need to write their stories.  Readers give us our motivation, all while serving as the very reason we share to begin with.  The characters as portrayed by our favorite actors may serve as our inspiration, but how wasted would that inspiration be if there was no one to read our shared works? The only mistake readers of fanfics make is to think for one minute that they are not appreciated.  They are appreciated, as are their comments.  Readers are who makes those countless hours spent plunking away at the keyboard all worthwhile, often after they have not only encouraged us to continue, but fueled our imagination to do so.  They are our ‘viewing audience’, our ‘sponsors‘, and our ‘desired demographics‘.  Readers are priceless, and fanfic writers love them… with a passion.

I write because I never want to see the legacies of ‘Steve & Kayla’, ‘Stefan & Katherine’, or the new ‘Tucker McCall’ end.  I write because I want more.  Thanks to the extraordinary talents of the actors who portrayed them, I’ll never get enough of those characters.  Thanks to fan fiction, I won’t have to. 

‘Relive the Magic’ is so fortunate to have a wide array of wonderful and heartfelt stories, written by so many talented and gifted people, though I am sure they would deny such a claim.  They are talented and gifted… very much so.  From the smallest of ‘billets’ to the never-ending sagas of full-length fanfics, RTM has them all.  Extraordinary Bope and Tanna fanfics are found there well as.  Trouble is, both the readers and the writers, want more.  So, if you’ve ever tried your hand at writing a fanfic, you’re welcome to share it with us.  If you’ve never written a fanfic, yet contemplated doing so, take the plunge.  Write what’s inside you.  Write what you want to see, what you want to read.  More importantly, write what you feel.  That’s the secret to writing fanfics.  Write as if you are writing for yourself and no one else, and then dare to share.  Take the plunge.  Why not become a member of that rare and elite breed known as fanfic writers?  I can honestly say that, as scary as it was, it was a leap I have never regretted taking.  It was one that has enriched my life beyond measure, just as my readers have… as they still do.  I have no doubt that all the wonderful writers at RTM will tell you the same. 

Reader, writer, or both; we’re all richer for sharing in the love of the characters we adore.  And whether we admit it or not, there’s a little bit of a soap opera writer in all of us… a good one, too.  😉

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Miahappy - March 24, 2010 - 8:59 am

Amen, amen, amen…. I agree with every word you said, Carol! That first chapter too me a LONG time to post. I can’t tell you how many times I thought of writing a story, but chickened out. When it finally went up, I practically held my breath, wondering if it would be well received… It is a daunting task – not the writing – the posting! Putting yourself out there can be incredibly intimidating, but monumentally rewarding.

That first love scene? Forget about it. Wow, is that tough. I knew what I loved to read, what stories really sucked me in… All of them involved very intense emotions, which usually culminated in very passionate love scenes. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the PG-13 or below stories, I absolutely do, but when I began writing I decided to go for it full force, and write what I enjoyed reading the most.

I’ll never forget writing that first love scene, nor the terror I felt posting it. Though irrational, because I have NEVER seen a negative comment regarding anyones writing posted before, I just KNEW people were going to think I was perverted or sick for writing such ‘trash.’ But, once it was posted, and very well received, the fears were relieved and I was very glad I took the chance.

I think of Mary Beth’s comment…Do something that scares you. Well, writing that first FF definitely scared the hell out of me. But, now I consider it my way of blowing off steam and I am thrilled that there are people who enjoy reading it.

You could not be more right about our readers. I don’t think non-authors realize how important and powerful their comments can be. Without intending to, those comments can inspire, motivate and determine the outcome of many areas of a story. I have gotten countless ideas from the smallest of comments which have enriched my story far beyond where it was originally intended. Without readers who enjoy losing themselves in our favorite characters, the stories would be nothing more than words on a screen and a huge waste of time!

I am sad to know that our favorites will not appear on screen again, but take great solace in the fact that they will live forever in the ether…our FF will help make that happen and will we can enjoy them as long as they are in our hearts.

And to those who are afraid to take the plunge? There’s only one way to do it…just jump right in. You can’t imagine the pleasure that can be experienced if you are willing to put yourself out there. A billet is a great entry into the writing world. It’s little more than a paragraph, but can be so fun!

As for the soap writers of today…I’ll keep my mouth closed about them. My bitter party has only begun with them so the less I say about them the better!

I’ll stick with FF and enjoy every moment of reading…and writing!

Sherry S. - March 24, 2010 - 9:26 am

Very nicely written Carol! It’s very good insight for those of us that can’t or won’t attempt fan fiction. Common sense tells me that positive remarks only encourage our fan fiction writers to continue their stories. I can also see where a question or remark can change the course of the story as Miahappy stated in her comment. As a reader, I know I’m grateful for all of our fan fiction writers. Each story is different…each story brings a different version of our favorite character…each story leaves a footprint in our hearts. Thank you to all who continue to write fan fiction.

Giddy - March 24, 2010 - 10:23 am

Yes I am one of those fan fic writers who was initially terrified to take that first step. I didn’t even read fan fic until Carol started her ‘Wanted’ story. I peeked inside one day and I was immediately hooked as a reader/stalker. I was one of those who was skeptical that any “amateur” writer could successfully capture the essence of these characters that I love so much. But within the first couple of chapters of ‘Wanted’ I saw immediately what I had been missing. Here was a time period story centered on the characters of Steve and Kayla, set in the old west, and reading it is as real as watching it play out on screen. The characterization is brilliant and the visuals are superb. It is a story so good that I can actually see it playing out in my imagination.

So inspired was I by that story, I decided one day to take the plunge myself and began plunking away on a Stefan and Katherine fan fic. I had several chapters written before I got the nerve to even tell anyone I was writing. I didn’t want to post. Why would anyone want to read my writing? I’m not that good. Still, Carol convinced me to face my fears and post a chapter just to see what kind of reaction I would get. I will say that I have never regretted it. Not only does it provide a creative outlet through the weaving of an original story, but it allows us to keep alive those charcters we love so much. It also gives us the freedom to write them our way, with no compromises.

The readers on RTM are so amazing and so supportive. I agree that if not for them, I would probably not be doing what I am doing (spending much of my free time writing). I love it when they stalk and I especially love reading their feedback/speculations. It warms the cockles of my heart to go in and see that people are enjoying my story. I will also say that the readers on RTM are a rare breed because they actually DISCUSS the story. They don’t simply demand updates (though they do that pretty well too) and then sit back and wait. They talk about the story and the characters. They relay their hopes and fears for where we are taking the characters, but one thing they never do is abandon us. They are with us for the entire journey, and that, my friends, is extremely gratifying.

Christine - March 24, 2010 - 4:19 pm

Wow Carol that was spot on. I wrote my first story a few years ago. I wrote it for myself never thinking I’d show it to anyone let alone post it on the web. Before that I’d had never written anything besides progress notes in patients charts. Then last fall I found this site and started reading all the wonderful stories here. So one day I took a chance and posted mine. Now I’m hooked, I love reading and writing fanfic.

I’ve not told any of friends that I do this, my husband doesn’t even know. Since my stories are R rated I don’t know if he’d be upset or aroused by my stories. I’m hoping aroused.

Kris - March 24, 2010 - 10:06 pm

There was a time I didn’t read fanfic. I never sought it out.

But one day when I was at loose ends, I started reading someone’s fanfic and found myself wanting an answer to that age-old question: What’s going to happen next? And once I found myself asking that question, I knew I needed to stick around and find out the answer.

Since that time, I’ve found myself reading many fanfics, and all of them have something delightful to offer. It’s fun to have a window into someone else’s thoughts about scenes they would have welcomed the chance to see, because Days never gave us enough of Steve and Kayla.

Don’t get me wrong. I was glad to see what we did see, for the most part. Just SEEING Steve and Kayla again onscreen was a long-held wish of mine, and I’ll be forever grateful to Days that it came true, no matter what the shortcomings of the story turned out to be.

To see Steve and Kayla discuss important issues, support and encourage each other, laugh, tease, and make mad passionate love was a wonderful thing! But there were also things we were denied: the chance to see them fall in love again, for example. That’s where fanfic comes in. It can fix that for us…make it right, so to speak.

I love that.

So for all of you who write, thank you. Thank you for “making it right.”


Tammy - March 25, 2010 - 1:35 am

I am a beginner in Fan Fic writing, I am also one of those that was scared to begin writing. I love reading all the stories, you all are so incredibly talented, and such amazing stories. I decided that I wanted to try out writing fanfic, I love it, it is so much fun. I love writing rewrites and the regular stories and will continue to keep on writing.
I love it that even though we can’t see our characters on tv, we can get our fix through the wonderful stories, which I am so grateful for.

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