Dreams Really Can Come True…

kickstartban-1-1.jpg picture by snandmbe

Dreams really do come true. Sometimes we just need to help them along the way. Here’s our chance.

The Bay The Series is the hottest news to hit the soap world since soaps made the transition from radio to television. Now, a new millennium later, we bear witness to another transition. As network soaps continue to struggle with ratings, viewership, and how to recapture the glory days of their past, there are those who have their eyes on the future. One such person is Gregori J. Martin. Not only does Gregori know what fans want in a soap opera, he knows how to make it a reality. The Bay The Series promises to give fans back what network soaps have long since lost… real story, real balance, real drama, and real star power… lots of star power, and all delivered by way of the internet… for now.

Come September 15th, The Bay The Series will make its debut. The story will begin. Until then, it’s hard to ask a future viewer to show support for a show that has yet to air, but a quick look at The Bay’s cast list makes that request much easier. Add to that the constant praise and excitement stated by the actors themselves, it then becomes hard not to become excited. Check out The Bay’s promos as well. It becomes obvious that the glory days of soap operas are returning… September 15th to be exact. Now we have the opportunity to make sure the story will continue.

The Bay The Series now has an account on Kickstarter.com. Kickstarter is a way to ‘Fund & Follow Creativity’. It’s a great way to offer support for The Bay The Series. Here’s how it works:

~Every project has a funding goal (any dollar amount) and a time limit (from 1 – 90 days) set by the project creator. When the deadline is reached, there will be one of two results:

1. Funding Successful: If The Bay has met or surpassed its funding goal, all backers’ credit cards are instantly charged and funds go directly to the project creator (LANYFilms, Inc.). Project creators are then responsible for completing the project and delivering rewards as promised.

2. Funding Unsuccessful: If The Bay has NOT met its funding goal, all pledges are canceled. That’s it.

~If you make a pledge and The Bay is successfully funded, your credit card will be charged when the project reaches its funding deadline. If The Bay does not reach its funding goal, your credit card is never charged. If funding fails, all pledges are canceled.

~The Bay will continue to accept pledges until the funding deadline, even if the goal has been met. Any and all amounts pledged will be greatly appreciated. Only you and the project creator will be able to see your pledge amount, though your Kickstarter user name will be listed on The Bay’s ’backer page’. An email will be sent to you when funding ends, no matter the outcome.

~Amazon Payments processes all the pledges on Kickstarter. When you decide to make a pledge, they will quickly send you to an Amazon Payments page to confirm. If you have an Amazon account this takes only a few clicks. If you don’t have an Amazon account, Amazon will ask you to register during the pledge process — it’s painless. You won’t need to do anything annoying like stop in the middle and check your email.

Contributions of any amount are accepted, be it one dollar or a million. All will make a difference, and all will be appreciated. Rewards/Incentives are offered for different levels of contributions, including tickets to the exclusive premiere party scheduled in September. But more importantly, we can make this happen.   The Bay The Series is the wave of the future for soap operas.  You don’t always have to be careful what you wish for.  In fact, The Bay The Series is where dreams can come true… all of them.

Thanks for your support 😉


1 comment

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tucker McCall Girls. Tucker McCall Girls said: RT @TheBaytheSeries: Help support The Bay through Kickstarter!! Dreams Really Can Come True… http://tinyurl.com/39x6rd8 […]

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