Imagine the Possibilities…

Imagine-1.jpg picture by snandmbe

~By Giddy…

So….much to my shock I was informed yesterday morning that this was my week for “Blog Wednesday.” What?!?!? I have nothing interesting to say. Plus my readers are hounding me for updates on my fan fiction and now I am supposed to drop everything and come up with a blog idea? Well okay…because actually I do have something that has been weighing on my mind.  Will my readers forgive me for taking time out to share some random thoughts for the blog this week? I feel sure they will, especially since I know many share the same opinion.  Besides, it helps that I have an update in the works. 😉

You know, the really great thing about a blog is that it offers an excellent opportunity to express oneself. These are my thoughts and I am speaking only for myself. If you don’t agree with me that is fine. I certainly respect your right to have your own opinions. The comment box is open and I welcome any and all feedback as long as it is constructive and considerate in its intent.

I’m sure it won’t surprise anyone to hear that I am a very vocal supporter of Mary Beth joining ‘The Young and the Restless.’ I have made no secret of that fact seeing how I have posted on message boards, bantered about it, sported a banner proclaiming such, and just generally been an advocate for it whenever and wherever I see the opportunity. That being said, I also realize that not everyone agrees with me. Again, that is fine. It’s your prerogative to want to see Mary Beth in primetime, on stage, or nowhere at all.

My argument is this: I am a huge Mary Beth Evans fan and I miss her. I want to see her now and I want to see her regularly. I also want to see her on a show that is worthy of showcasing her talents. Anyone who has followed her career knows that she can seamlessly pull off a wide range of emotions (anger, fear, sadness, strength, vulnerability, sarcasm, and outright humor) with little effort at all. With that said, why wouldn’t I want to see her on Y&R, the #1 rated daytime show? Stephen Nichols has said that, as an actor, it is a privilege to work on such a wonderfully talented and managed show. Why wouldn’t I want the same for Mary Beth?

I realize some fans feel that Stephen and Mary Beth don’t always have to be on the same show, and they are right.  They don’t. I respect their opinion even if I don’t agree with the logic behind such feelings. Stephen and Mary Beth have both done countless projects without the other, but the fact is many of their fans want to see them together.  With such unparalleled chemistry and proven success as an onscreen duo, how could we not wish for them to enjoy that success yet again? They were on Days and GH together and obviously garnered a strong and intense fan following with both shows.  But, beyond that, I don’t see the reasoning behind saying that fans want them joined at the hip. The overwhelming majority of their acting projects have been one without the other, and their individual and collective fan bases have been supportive of those projects as well. The bottom line is that Stephen and Mary Beth have repeatedly stated that they enjoy working together, and as a fan, I enjoy seeing them together. For those of us who have been around since 1986, it is a pity that some of us feel the need to constantly defend ourselves in wanting to see them working together again. The fact is that they work well together, and I for one enjoy watching the magic they create. Whether or not they would be paired on Y&R is not even the issue. Even if they never entered each other’s orbit, I would be happy, because I think they both deserve to be on a show that is worthy of their talents.  Top rated actors deserve a top rated venue.

I would also like to point out that Mary Beth mentioned going to Y&R long before Stephen got the gig as Tucker McCall. In the April 29, 2009 issue of Soap Opera Digest, Mary Beth said the following:  “I’m a hustler by nature. I hit the ground running. I’ve been on some great auditions- I went out for a Gossip Girls spin-off and I got a new agent, things I haven’t done in forever. I would love to go to Y&R, where Hogan (Sheffer) is writing.” 

Of course I would love to see Mary Beth on primetime, but I am also realistic when it comes to such things. I agree that, in principle, she would get much more exposure on primetime and that she certainly has the talent to be successful on any show that is smart enough to snatch her up.  But primetime is a mess, as much as daytime is, if not more. I am also realistic in considering the most likely venue for getting to see her on a regular basis is on daytime. The grim reality is that there are simply not an abundance of primetime roles for anyone, regardless of age or gender. The even grimmer reality is that there are virtually no primetime roles available for 40-something actresses whose primary exposure has been on daytime TV. Other than the occasional guest appearance, I don’t think we are likely to see Mary Beth starring on a primetime show.  If by some miracle we did, there is no guarantee that the show or role would last.  Y&R has been around for over 37 years, and promises to be around for years to come.  No show in primetime can come close to making that claim. Primetime execs simply don’t know how great she is and that’s a shame, but again it is the reality.

Mary Beth has said repeatedly in many different interviews how much she loves daytime, and I am inclined to believe that she is being sincere. We all know she wouldn’t say it if she didn’t mean it. Of course she wants to do things that challenge her as well, but I don’t see that as her closing the door on daytime by any stretch.  Y&R would definitely be a challenge. From what I have read, it seems to me as if she would like to do both, which is all the better for us because we would get to see her more!

As for Y&R specifically, Mary Beth is quoted as saying, “Look, I’m game for whatever, and Y&R is such a good show.” ( Again, according to the interviewer that is a direct quote from Mary Beth. To me that sounds as if she is not only saying she would go to Y&R if given the chance, but that in fact, she would welcome the opportunity. I am also inclined to believe from her quote just prior to that where she speaks of a fan campaign that she is not opposed to such. Who knows whether or not it would work? I know that Maria Arena Bell has said in an interview that they do care what fans have to say, so who knows what impact if any a campaign would have? But I certainly don’t see where it would hurt.  Even still, when it is all said and done, if Mary Beth did get an offer to join the cast of Y&R, the decision would be hers and not that of her fans.  I for one would love to see her given the opportunity to make such a decision.

I think the bottom line is that we all love Mary Beth and we just need to support her constructively and positively, regardless of whether we want to see her on daytime or on primetime.  She deserves no less.

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Dawn - March 10, 2010 - 10:18 am

It would be so awesome to see Mary Beth on Y&R.

Dawn - March 10, 2010 - 10:20 am

I’m revising my last post just a bit. I’d love to see Mary Beth on Y&R or anything that she chose to appear in. I’m also a huge fan of hers and want nothing but success for her in whatever form that is and wherever that may be.

Sherry S. - March 10, 2010 - 10:25 am

I think this blog responds to many of us that are thinking in the same direction but we have no where to express our thoughts. I have always wanted Stephen and Mary Beth both on the top rated soap. If both want to work, why not work in a quality environment. Personally, I don’t want to see Mary Beth on a reality show. I want to see her talents; a reality show can’t showcase those natural gifts. I love seeing Mary Beth on nighttimwe tv, but the rolls are limited other than a stint here and there. I think we need to be realistic…there are more opportunities for her in daytime. As for being ‘joined at the hip,’ both actors seem to relish the idea of working together. They’ve said as much in many of their interviews. Thanks for giving fans an opportunity to express their thoughts through this blog without reprisal from others that may not feel the same. Many of these thoughts never reach either actor but it does allow this fan to express publicly my genuine regard for both Stephen and Mary Beth. I truly want both to feel happy and fulfilled.

wawame - March 10, 2010 - 10:48 am

It would be great to see Mary Beth on Y&R, and it would be great to see her and Stephen once again share the screen. They say that lightening never strikes twice, but I disagree. Whether or not they share a love interest on the show, if Mary Beth was to go to Y&R and again act with Stephen, our screens would definitely ‘light up’ because, IMO, both actors are ‘electrifying’. Corny, but true. But, what it all boils down to for me is that I know they like working together… I know they have chemistry, be it in a love scene or not… I know that Y&R is the top-rated soap and I think they are top-rated actors that excel in daytime drama… I think they both deserve the opportunity to work where they are appreciated, where they are fulfilled, and where they would be given the screen time they deserve in both individual storylines and in those shared. I wouldn’t expect a reprisal of ‘Steve & Kayla’ or ‘Stefan & Kat’. I am one who would look forward to a whole new set of characters that I have no doubt they could deliver. I just hope Mary Beth gets that opportunity, just as I hope Stephen continues to get the same. More importantly, I hope they both get to do what they love doing in the venue of their choice. I’ll be watching whatever that might be. And if they are joined to anyone’s hip, egad, let it be mine.

Liz - March 10, 2010 - 10:53 am

Great post Giddy 🙂 I am all for Y&R, even if she isn’t paired with Stephen (Hogan Sheffer writes there and he loves her and writes well for her). Would I love to see her work with Stephen again? YES! I just want to see Mary Beth anywhere, regularly and I will support whatever opportunities come her way, as I have since becoming a fan in the 80s.

Debs - March 10, 2010 - 11:09 am

Mary Beth is a huge talent
I will watch her on anything no matter who her costars are and no matter what show. I would love to see her on Young and Restless if they hire her even if she doesn’t work with Stephen. But I am not going to lie I do love seeing them together. They must love it too since they take any opportunity to work with each other.

Kay - March 10, 2010 - 2:04 pm

As a fan I will support whatever show Mary Beth is on and I always love seeing her act. Her work with Stephen is so special to me and I wouldn’t ever think it was a bad thing if they worked together again.

Nat - March 10, 2010 - 4:15 pm

How did you get a pic of them together like that? 😉

Stephen and Mary Beth are like peanut butter and chocolate. Yes, individually they are wonderful and will enjoy no matter how or when, but TOGETHER, they are heaven and you just can’t get enough. How could you not want to see them on screen together on a regular basis? I don’t get the nay sayers. If MB is open to it, then we as fans should also be open and supportive to her being on Y&R.

Jen - March 11, 2010 - 8:51 am

Great Blog! No surprise, I agree with you. I just want to see Mary Beth working again where I can see her on a regular basis and Daytime can afford that. I would LOVE to see her on a prime time show or even her own show on The Food Network or HGTV, something like that. But, there is no way I would want to close the door on her making her way back to daytime and especially Y&R. If I really had my way, Days of Our Lives wouldn’t have totally blown Steve & Kayla and they could go back there, but that ship has sailed. In the scheme of things, Y&R looks like the most viable source for her to return to daytime. I think that Mary Beth without a doubt is one of the most talented actresses out there, anybody would be very lucky to have her. It has nothing to do where Stephen is at the moment, it has to do with wanting something good for her to do. Even though I LOVE them together, I am with Giddy when I say that honestly I could care less if they were paired “together” if she found her way to Y&R. To me it’s more about just seeing Mary Beth on a regular basis just like we are seeing Stephen right now. Mary Beth has told us personally and in interviews, that she is keeping all her options open (as any actor should) and is up for anything. To close that door to Y&R just because Stephen is there is not beneficial. Anyways, I am pretty sure Mary Beth is going to do what is best for her and that is all I want also.

Judy - March 11, 2010 - 4:26 pm

I love seeing Stephen on a show that Mary Beth is not on is not on. It’s his turn to shine once again. It’s so great to see him with other female actors.Quit puttimg only with one you are only limittimg him. Which is not fair to him to say to say the the least.

Molly - March 11, 2010 - 4:47 pm

I have been out of the loop and am just now getting around to reading the blog this week! To say I was excited to see the topic is a mild understatement. I too have been a vocal proponent of seeing Mary Beth on Y&R. I have loved her since she played Katherine on GH and I always hated the way the writers destroyed the love story of Stefan and Katherine. I watched them together again for their second run on Days and it was then I realized these two are fabulous when they are together! And they obviously enjoy working together, so why not bring Mary Beth to Y&R and make everyone happy?

Mary - March 12, 2010 - 3:46 pm

I do enjoy reading these blogs each week. You ladies are so talented and it’s fun to see some of the different things you have on your minds. I have watched Y&R for several years and as a longtime viewer I will say that it would be nice to have a new female character in this age group. I am not terribly familiar with Mary Beth Evans, although I have watched several clips since Stephen Nichols started airing as Tucker and I do agree that they have wonderful chemistry. I like the Tucker character but I don’t see any potential love interests for him on the show right now. None that I would like to see anyway. I would certainly be open to seeing Mary Beth brought on as a new character or even as a recast. Someone on another board mentioned Dr. Casey Reed and I could certainly see that. It would create a good story for Victor and Tucker if Nikki’s sister were brought into the mix. Anyway, I just wanted to add my two cents and say that as a longtime Y&R viewer I would be more than happy to see Mary Beth Evans come to Genoa City.

Shelley Keddy - March 13, 2010 - 9:16 pm

I agree I would love to see her on Y and R as well because for as much as I am happy that she so loved doing the play these very much limit who is going to see her, unless you are going to be in the area or can afford to travel to California you won’t see it and this leaves me out. Also as you say primetime is so hard to get into especially for someone who isn’t in there 20’s so that typically means guest roles and although nice that you can see her on those the fact is they just leave me wanting more. Even if someone was to smarten up and make her in a lead role in a primetime show this would mean we would see her more but quite frankly still not enough for me because that typically means once a week. So if you want to hope to see her in a challenging role once a week that essentially means daytime. The problem here is how long is this going to be an option because it seems almost every show is on a continual watch to see if they will be picked up or cancelled so it makes complete sense to want her on the top-rated show that is far more likely to continue longer. I understand they may worry about could anybody ever get past the fact that they aren’t playing Steve and Kayla any longer and would the fans expect them to act as Steve and Kayla in there new roles even though they were playing new characters. I hope they are brave enough to take a chance that if they build up these characters that won’t happen or even if they didn’t associate the two characters (although I admit I would like for them to cross each others paths once in awhile but would accept if they didn’t). Not to mention it would really make it convenient for me if I only had to watch one show instead of trying to keep up with two, lol. Just hope for an extra large dose of MBE soon, please!

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