Remember The Moments / Friendships That Matter

…by Mary

When Carol asked me if I would like to write a blog, I was so honored that she had that much faith in me, even saying that she knew it would be ‘stellar’. I had to read it twice…ok, it was actually four or five times…to make sure I was reading it correctly. Then, I did a little happy dance around my kitchen and I’m very thankful my kids weren’t home to see that or they would have thought I had lost my mind. I replied to her with an enthusiastic “YES!!!!”

Little did she know that the instant I clicked that little send message button, I froze and my brain hit shutdown mode. All the ideas that were running through my head just moments earlier had vanished…sort of like taking your hand and in one sweep, cleaning off all the papers on your desk into the trash can. Your desk looks really great…and really clean…and very, very empty. That was my brain…empty.

With my elbows propped on the table and my face in my hands, I took several deep breaths and repeated the words, “you can do this…you can do this” over and over again about hundred times. (Silly, I know but it works for me.) I sat back down at my computer with a somewhat renewed confidence and promised myself that I was NOT going let Carol down.

Now, on to the blog…

This is an excerpt from Days of Our Lives November 2006

Nick Fallon (at the Brady Pub) – “This is a quote that the Governor of the great state of Oklahoma, Brad Henry, once said…Families are the compass that guide us. They’re our inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter.”

Families are the compass that guide us

This site was created to honor the actors that we admire and the characters that we love. A place where we can come to escape from real life stress and leave our worries behind, if only for a little while. But in our escape, we have formed real life friendships. A place where we can laugh, cry, joke, admire, read, watch, write and comment. We share our milestones, birthdays, graduations and anniversaries. When we are feeling down, overwhelmed, or need to vent, we all coming running to the one place that brings us a sense of security and feeling of home. We may not be a conventional family formed through blood ties or marriage. We are a family formed through friendship.

They’re our inspiration to reach great heights

A little over a year ago, I wrote my first billet. It was so bad that I deleted it and started over. I must have gone through five or six different versions before I finally had it where I thought I wanted it. The only problem was, I couldn’t seem to get an ending that sounded right. After arguing with myself for the next several days, I sent it to Carol for help with the ending and suggestions for a title. I was so nervous and terrified that when she answered I couldn’t even open the message to read it. I had to wait until my daughter came home from school and read it first. She laughed at me and said, Mom, she loves it. I don’t remember Carol’s exact words but I’ll never forget how I felt when I did read her reply…I felt worthy. I don’t think Carol realized how appropriate her title, Miracle, was but it has definitely been my inspiration. After all this time, the finished billet is still the first message saved in my inbox.

There are countless other examples of inspiration I have received over this past year and the list is a long one. Inspiration can come in many forms and in ways we never expected. You never know how your words will inspire someone else to reach their goals or achieve something they never thought possible.

Our comfort when we occasionally falter

This past year dealt me some blows that completely knocked me off my feet. Most of you know I lost the greatest friend I ever had the privilege of knowing. I was devastated to say the least and to say that I faltered would be like saying the ocean is a small pond. I can not begin to express my gratitude for the amount of comfort everyone gave me through your posts and private messages. I had a special place of comfort…a place to go to feel grounded once again.

Even in times when I questioned my ability to write a full length fan fic, the words of encouragement gave me the strength to keep going. A friend, who I have come to admire greatly, gave me some of the most comforting and encouraging words I’ve ever read…

My point in this is that I’m no better than the man on the moon is. I just stand behind my work and believe in my story. Whether it’s good or bad.

Do you not realize the gift that you undoubtedly have in your story telling ability? You are a complete romantic at heart and it shows in everything you write.

With these words came the comfort and inspiration that I needed and whether she realizes it or not, she became the compass that guided me to the family that I’ve come to love .

Some time has passed since I first wrote this for Carol and since that time we have continued to share our milestones together. From the dreaded snowfalls, New Year’s Resolutions, our personal trials and heartaches, our children’s achievements, new stories, new friends, and most recently, the news of Carol’s book making it to the finals.

So for today, I’m unofficially changing the name of Relive the Magic/Feel the Magic to –

Remember The Moments/Friendships That Matter

Copyright © 2011
This content is for personal, non-commercial use only. The use of this content on other websites breaches copyright. If this content is on any other site than it makes the page or post you are viewing an infringement of the copyright.


gemlily5 - March 19, 2011 - 6:15 pm

I love what you have said here in this blog.It was quite touching.You could not have worded it any better.I feel so proud to be a part of the site as well.You have my respect and admiration for hanging in there through all that happened through the years.The actors are lucky to have such dedicated fans like yourself and everyone else here. May the site continue to be around for years to come with you very much a part of it with tons of great things to be shared in it.

Miahappy - March 19, 2011 - 6:31 pm

So profound, and so very, very true. What started off as a website to enjoy and share our love for our favorite actors/characters has turned into so much more. It has been wonderful to watch the site from inception to where it is now and not only witness many frienships being born, but to be a part of them as well! I’d never be able to sum it up as beautifully as you have, Mary, thank you for such beautiful words. You speak for many of us.

And, considering I now speak about many from RTM as friends to my husband, perhaps one day I’ll have to tell him what RTM actually is…and maybe confess the little “hobby” I have come to enjoy so much!!!!

Long life RTM and many thanks to its founders for providing us with our playground!!!!!

Lourdes - March 19, 2011 - 7:05 pm

Mary, your are undoubtedly one of the kindest and sweetest person I have ever had the priviledge of knowing. You write with your heart and soul and it shows with the gift of your words.

Never stop giving to all of us what lies in your heart. We are all the richer for it.

Dawn - March 19, 2011 - 7:34 pm

Wonderful blog Mary and VERY true!

Kris - March 19, 2011 - 8:07 pm

I came around to see if there’s an update to a story that I follow here, and I saw that someone made a blog for the first time in awhile, so I was curious and clicked on the link so I could read.

I’m glad I did. It was a beautiful blog. Well written and heartfelt.

I tend to be quiet here. When I come, I occasionally beg (for updates), and sometimes I share an opinion or two, of which I have many, but I always appreciate a site that’s made to honor two of my favorite actors, and I think there should be a million sites to honor Stephen and Mary Beth. I’d come to each of them!

After reading your post, I think I should tell you that if this site’s special, YOU must be one of the reasons why it is.

Sherry S. - March 19, 2011 - 8:53 pm

Wonderful blog Mary! Your words are heartfelt; they’re sincere. I do believe that many of us at RTM have formed lifelong friendships…through our love of Steve and Kayla. Thank you Mary, for taking the time to write this very special blog.


Mary - March 19, 2011 - 10:16 pm


I sit here on my couch on the verge of tears. Your words are very kind and heartfelt. I’m truly humbled and at the same time, so extremely happy that you all have enjoyed the blog.

Thank you all so much.


Lisa - March 19, 2011 - 10:55 pm


You capture with your words the feelings most of us have for RTM.S&K was what brought us all here, but it is the laughter and friendship that keeps us coming back.

wawame - March 19, 2011 - 11:48 pm

Mary, I can’t begin to tell you what your words mean to me and so many. RTM is not a place, it is a family, and we are blessed to have you as a member of that family. Thank you so very much. Your talent and your friendship are a big part of what makes this place so very special. Again, thank you.

SteveAndKaylaRomantical - March 20, 2011 - 12:43 am

Loved your blog Mary, beautiful and such heartfelt words and so very true. The site isn’t just about the characters Steve and Kayla or the actors Stephen and Mary Beth that we love so very much. It is about the lifelong friendships that we have found because of the love of these beautiful characters, it is a family. I love coming here to the site, and I enjoy every minute of it, such wonderful friendships.

Georgene - March 20, 2011 - 2:01 am

Mary that was a very beautiful and heartfelt blog
from one of the most caring and sweetest person i know
thanks for sharing it

Christine - March 20, 2011 - 12:23 pm

Mary, well said. Never stop believing in yourself. Remember one of my favorite quotes. Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

You’re the best.

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