The Death of the Soap Opera

…By Mary

It was a completely different era when I first starting watching soaps in my teens.

We have all heard the stories from our parents/grandparents of walking to school, both ways, uphill, barefoot, in the snow, etc. But how different was our childhood versus the childhood of today? Granted, I don’t think any of us ever walked to school in the snow, but how many of us had the option of choosing one show from 250 channels of television. Most of us had maybe 5 or 6 channels to choose from, and if you were one of the lucky ones, your television had color. Heaven forbid, the kids of today would go insane if they had to survive a night when the president was speaking on every single channel.

With the recent news of two more soaps being cancelled, I’m left to wonder how long will it be until the world of soap operas become a thing of the past. Soaps were not only known for their outstanding romance but for their adventures, angst, heartbreak, and weddings, blended with just enough real life issues to make them believable. They took the pain staking time to carefully construct characters and history and made sure their future storylines reflected that history. This is no longer the case.

I have asked myself, who is really to blame for the decline of the soap world? We tend to blame the writers with everything that is wrong in soaps today and I do agree to a certain extent. Without excellent storylines, build-ups, cliff-hangers, and pay-offs, there is no way that soaps of today are going to survive. A perfect example of this being just recently. I watched part of an episode of Days to see Adrienne talking to Jennifer, encouraging a relationship between Jennifer and “some new doctor”. Somehow I think the writers have forgotten that Adrienne is Jack’s sister, whom she fought so hard to find and reunite with the Johnson family. Jack is married to Jennifer and now Adrienne is encouraging her sister-in-law into a new relationship. WTH? So much for history.

So why aren’t today’s teens watching soaps? Have any of TPTB considered the fact that not one single soap opera airs during the time frame that teenagers are at home? At least not in my time zone. They are consistently trying to target an age group that does NOT exist. The teenagers of today are in school with most being involved in extracurricular activities well into early evening hours. The ones that are out of school are at the mall, have their heads glued to a computer, a phone permanently attached to their hand, or they are working! In the time that is being spent at home, with over 250 channels airing in the average American household, the competition against the soap opera is becoming insurmountable.

So has our ever changing world of technology doomed the next generation to where there is no longer a sense of anticipation in a world where “now” technology is all they are accustomed to? Teenagers, especially, have been so impacted by the “now” factor that they do not understand the concept of romance much less want to take the time or effort to build a lasting relationship. Then I would have to ask if any of the kids today know the meaning of romance in the same context as we know it? My answer would be, “Probably not.”

Then we have the “reality TV” factor. Reality TV so impacted our lives that we can no longer see the beauty in romance but only the often times vulgar and shock effect drama that is so blatantly forced upon us today. Shows where every third or fourth word is bleeped out due to excess language and black bars across the screen to hide offense exposure and/or hand gestures. Shows where common human decency and compassion are never given a second thought.

Men/boys no longer feel the need to protect the one they love. Women/girls make it a point to reinforce the idea that they are independent and do not need to rely on a man for protection. I am convinced that romance is dying very rapidly in a generation that is no longer willing to take the time or the effort to write a simple love note to one another. For example, I opened my laptop one morning to find a little note laid on the keyboard from my hubby. It simply said, “I’m proud of you. I love you.” My kids thought it was nothing special; to me, it meant the world.

So what is really killing off the world of soaps? Is it the writers, the execs, the world of technology, reality TV, or dying romance? I, personally, believe it is a culminating effort of all of these and it will truly be a sad day when the wonderful world of soaps come to an end.

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Miahappy - May 5, 2011 - 8:49 am

Here, here, Mary!

So many excellent points. I commend you for turning on Days lately. I couldn’t bring myself to turn that show on under the direst of circumstances these days.

I think the soaps are dying because all involved are killing them. The soaps are (were) a genre of themselves, but over time have been changed to mimic other genres. In place of love, adventure, and romance, we now see crime, revenge, and “hooking up.”

I once thought it was Days, but now realize it is all of the shows. They’re all going in the same direction and the “viewers” are being blamed by the powers that be.

To that, I would respond, perhaps if they put out a product that gave us what we wanted, we would still be on board! Soap fans are a die hard crowd, and we are dying for something to champion. Unfortunately, those that produce todays shows seem to be deaf to our pleas.

Thank God for places like RTM, where we can still share our love and relive the magic of yesterday!!!

wawame - May 5, 2011 - 11:59 am

Excellent blog, Mary! Every word so true. It frustrates me to think that the viewers opinions don’t seem to matter, and that all decisions are made with no consideration other than what is deemed as profitable or not. Soap operas were once an ‘art’ of storytelling. Not the case anymore. Reality TV is the wave of the future, and I find that sad. I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. Thanks for putting our thoughts into words. 🙂

wendy - May 5, 2011 - 1:51 pm

Thank you for putting (my) your thoughts so eloquently. I started watching at 10 I was lucky enough to have seen Doug/Julie, Mac/Rachael, and the beginings of Luke/Laura, Bo/Hope, and my personal favorites Steve/Kayla and I truly feel the loss of another link to my life. I also feel bad that another generation won’t be able to have the link I had with my Mom as we watched her soap GH together. I felt like I knew Steve, Audrey and Jessie as we watched her favorite characters mix with my new favorites.

Christine - May 5, 2011 - 5:23 pm

So well put Mary. You hit the nail right on the head.

It’s sad that todays youth know little or nothing about romance. There truly is no mystery anymore. Kids today have sex for the sake of having sex. “Hooking up” I think is the term they use. And as for forming lasting relationships we need go no further than looking at divorce rates. Some friends of ours have two daughters, one is 22 and the other is 24. They have both lived with several different boyfriends already. I’m not opposed to people living together but at how fast they split at the first sign of trouble. I know this isn’t true for some of todays youth but most put little or no effort into building a life and a future. I think this all fits in with your excellent description of the “Now Technology syndrome”.

Heni - May 7, 2011 - 3:07 pm

Thank you for expressing some of my thoughts and feelings on the subject of soaps. This is just the way I feel, too. One of the main reasons I got hooked on soaps was the romance factor. I remember the anticipation of watching my favorite couples day in and day out, wondering when they would admit their feelings for each other, or kiss. Even a glance or a few uttered words spoke volumes. Those were the days! I’ve come to realize that the daytime soaps have told some of the best, most riveting love stories of all time, IMHO. I feel lucky to have enjoyed at least a few of them. I adored the time of the super couples and miss that era. Although romance is still a very big part of soaps, a shift has occurred, and romance in the 21st century is not what it used to be. That’s for certain. I was never able to watch Steve and Kayla’s love story back in the 80s when it all began, so when I discovered that there were video clips of their story on this site I was ecstatic! I discovered this site about a year ago and has since watched their story twice (still waiting for new clips!). What a beautiful, exciting love story they had! No wonder they became so popular with fans. Even now in 2011, their story from the 80s is engaging, sweet and absolutely irresistable! A must for any true romantic! *sigh* Whatever happens to the soaps, that’s how I will remember them; great shows that told the best, most titillating stories of love and romance. I will remember the thrill and excitement of watching these stories unfold over the span of years.

Sarah - June 2, 2011 - 4:01 pm

I agree that romance is changing and it seems to unfortunately, be dying out. Soap operas built anticipation and were an outlet. Now nobody wants to see anything creative or dramatic. The reality shows are often orchestrated and very boring. The build-up during soap operas is part of the excitement and I would hate to see the end of an era. I’ve been a dedicated Days of Our Lives fan for decades.

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